
by Something Diabolical   Sep 22, 2011

Paranoid trips, from a mind going insane
Looking around I see only pain
Everyone hates me, eyes peering in
I'm scared to death, cowering within

I hear laughter, and it's directed at me
It comes from people, I cannot see
Nervous twitches takeover my life
This is the reason that I live in strife

Then I see you, my angel so bright
You reset my world, clearing my sight
You reassure my mind that I'm not alone
My feelings of darkness, I manage to disown

Then I realise the truth, you're a demon in disguise
I cut out your heart, keeping my prize
Thinking of you fills me with sadness
I lie here alone, in my own madness


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  • 8 years ago

    by Gemma Warburton


  • 9 years ago

    by Sarah Day

    Not quite as good as some of your other poems, but I get it.

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Wow....mind blowing ....

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    Added this to my favorite poems.
    I completely adore the poems that I relate to, who speak exactly what my mind can't put properly into words.

    "I hear laughter, and it's directed at me
    It comes from people, I cannot see
    Nervous twitches takeover my life
    This is the reason that I live in strife"

    ^This absolutely hit home, and I knew this poem would stick with me forever after this one. My nervous ticks as a result from anxiety and paranoia are the most frustrating things in my life. My back spasms, and I have to wait until it unstiffens before I can move, and my hand waves by itself. On top of that, I get chills every hour or so. It is such an annoying thing to deal with, and people stare, or think it's a joke. Either way, it just adds to the unwanted pain.

    You're a fantastic, dark write. Reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe's mad genius. I'm a fan.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, I liked this one. Your title drew me in because poems about paranoia interest me and I have written about it myself.

    "Paranoid trips, from a mind going insane
    Looking around I see only pain
    Everyone hates me, eyes peering in
    I'm scared to death, cowering within"

    - I loved this opening, setting the feelings of the character and showing the paranoia straight away. The last line of this holds amazing power and shows the fear which is only felt inside and often not shown on the outside. Your choice of words, " cowering within" create a clear image of this character in a fetal ball.

    "I hear laughter, and it's directed at me
    It comes from people, I cannot see
    Nervous twitches takeover my life
    This is the reason that I live in strife"

    What I liked about the first line is that I think it is something which everyone can realte to - hearing laughter and worrying that is is aimed at you. However in your second line you show the extreme of the paranoia by stating the laughter comes from people whom you cannot see.... this is clever!

    "Then I see you, my angel so bright
    You reset my world, clearing my sight
    You reassure my mind that I'm not alone
    My feelings of darkness, I manage to disown"

    - When I read the first line of this I actually thought you were turning the poem around by creating a good character, who perhaps was going to take your fears away. I felt the mood lift and the dark pain fade from the character here.

    I then went on to read the last stanza :

    Then I realise the truth, you're a demon in disguise
    I cut out your heart, keeping my prize
    Thinking of you fills me with sadness
    I lie here alone, in my own madness

    - I then realized it was the paranoia creating the character, and then again it taking the character back from you. I loved this and how you wrote this so well. It really describes what it is like to have this illness, because the mood can be lifted on the good days and then crushed right back down again with the bad days.

    ~Your last line is the strongest line in my opinion, as people who suffer from this illness are truly alone and feel like there is no one to understand them. Having this illness you cannot truly connect to others or rely on anyone because your illness wont let you trust them. Thus creating a deep loneliness which you have managed to express very well.

    Well done on this. I enjoyed reading it.

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