Get up...

by Matthew Schut   Sep 28, 2011

Please just leave me alone
I can't stand hearing your voice
Someone please stop these feelings
I wish it was my choice

But now here I sit once again
Thinking about my deepest thoughts
Remembering how it was so good
And the time that has been lost

For all the seconds that I give to you
You take away from what could be
I need to stop thinking about
The love of you and me

Life is too short to waste on tears
So get up and start to smile
You have the choice of happiness
So lets make it worth the while...


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  • 13 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    I really like this poem.. really inspiring..

  • 13 years ago

    by Meme

    Started of really sad, just captured the sadness I felt inside .. But at the end I must say it just gave those words of empowerment, the last verse just hit the jackpot for me .

    Loved it, loved it, loved it :)

    Keep it up !

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Awesome job, this is definatly A+ on emotion. It made me smile to see that more and more people are thinking this way. Though this piece was not very unique, it wasn't too common either. For so few words, it got a wonderful point across. 5/5 from me

  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Another great poem :)

    All true words(:
    Don't live in the past, but paste a smile & get up on ur feet and move on.
    love this poem, full of emotion<3