A mirage love

by The Po whet   Oct 2, 2011

A flower I so wish to pluck
but my amputated arms are a true reality
that not soon, not ever
will I hold you in my arms.
wafting your sweet scent through my nostrils
to my fill.

a spyglass you take
saying you want to explore yonderlands beyond.
in hope of finding he
whom you know not
the one you believe
together you're destined.

why is it that, our worlds seems centuries apart
yet to you I feel closer than
the secrets you burry in the depths of your heart.

even in my dreams
you still passes me by
as though I were a statue
that need not be noticed,
that deserves to be scorched
rained on and touched as though it harbours no feelings
as though lifeless.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Very nice poetry, poet. Take a bow :) Enjoyed.

  • 13 years ago

    by nealy

    This is very touching i like it