Fright Night

by Innocent Fairy   Oct 8, 2011

Late at night,
home alone sitting in the dark,
chills go down her spine,
goosebumps appear on her arms,
she gets the feeling she isn't alone.

There's a knock on the window
and a rattle at the door,
she opens it up and no ones there.
Scared and quickly locks every lock
in the house.

The hair stands up on the back of her neck,
quickly turning around, no ones there,
is this my imagination she thinks,
laughing at herself for being so silly,
tense she goes back into the kitchen,
as all the lights go off,
she realizes this is actually happening.

Frightened she runs to her room,
cuddling in a corner with her teddy bear,
all the lights flickering,
all around the house,
and a banging on her door.

She cries and screams,

Terrified for her life,
murderers,blood, death,
flies through her mind,
holding on for dear life,
she hears footsteps up the stairs,
doors swinging open,
praying to god with all her mite,
tears stream down her face,
as she feels her heart beat out of her chest.

Everything calm,
and her mother appears,
sweetheart you look frightened
are you alright?

Running into her mothers arms,
saying i can't believe your here,
looking around the house,
her heartbeat slowly down,
she gently smiles at her mom,
nodding her head,
that everything is fine now.

Poets notes <3***<3
this is a collab done with my bestie believeinlove87 and I love working with her so please comment and rate on hers as well :) :)


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Captain Lonesome

    You work well with her, It is a very Good Poem!! :) there u go hee hee sorry im an goof!! :)

  • 13 years ago

    by LOvEiSNotFoREvER

    Awesome imaginary ..
    is kind of a twist..from the beginning and an unexpected end..
    really good poem..
    1000/1000 <3

  • 13 years ago

    by Liliana

    Ahahah i wanted to paste my comment and I ended up posting the link lol anyways

    Great job you two and yeah the title is awesome so is the poem :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Liliana


  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    I loved writing this with you too :). heehee amazing!<3