Fade Away

by Jademark07   Oct 9, 2011

I'm lost ;

writing a puzzle

left unsolved

with reasons not existing .

Serenity fills my soul

and silence resounds inside my mind .

Vague echoes whisper words that I must write ,

but maybe words have lost their meaning .

Words maybe forgotten ,

but it's on we seek for their essence

that they prevail .

I maybe the sun that sets and breaks into dusk ,

or the moon that loses its luminosity as the sky turns into dawn .

I may fade away ,

but it's how I exist .

It's on oblivion

that we are soon remembered ,

and on anonymity

that we are soon recognized .

We are candles gradually burning out ,

but it's when our flames fade

that we exist longer .

Fading is existing .

And now the alkahest is near .

Thoughts lingering inside my mind

slowly dissolve .

But still I found a fragment

of the recondite quest

for existence .

Fade away .


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow wow wow, I love it sooooo much, outstanding poem, it spoke out to me soooo much, wonderful poem, every verse was another one that got to my heart, this poem is so deep and dark and meaningful! Two thumbs up

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I really like in the beginning how you mentioned you are the creator of the puzzle... I've never quite heard that before and it definitely portrays that unknown, uncertainty that seems to be in every aspect of your life. I feel like you chose your words with care so that each one is profound and contributes to the reality that you still have this inspiration to write, even if the words are not always clearly cut out.....I was not expecting this "fading is existing", but it really got me thinking in a different perspective.....especially with mentioning you are possibly the sun setting or the moon losing its luster, like all of us may at one time be forgotten about or our actions overlooked, but we still have presence. Only suggestion would be to change your 'maybe' to 'may be' just so the reader can see that difference since its acting as a verb. Wonderful thoughtful write, second-hand for sharing and welcome to M&M as well! =)

  • 13 years ago

    by Jademark07

    Thank you for rating and commenting on my poem :) i appreciate it a lot !

  • 13 years ago

    by Jess

    Usually I Wouldnt Choose A Poem From The PAst As 2nd Place Win For A Contest! But This Was Really Good, And Deserved IT! Awesome!:)