I just wonder

by Yakari Gabriel   Oct 11, 2011

I just wonder,
If I will ever grow tired
of being a slave to my own

if one day,
I will no longer
include 'I love you'
in every single text I send you...

for too often,
I tell myself that I've
had enough..
and that my heart
feels like a broken drum
who no longer
gives birth to rock songs..

I just wonder..

will I ever free myself
from being a masochist?

or will I just keep on
placing you
between my breast
and press my lips
on your forehead
whenever you say,
that you're sorry..

will my feelings ever change?...

or am I meant to live
a life half liven..
where I am constantly
the one who
struggles immensely
to full fill someone
else's need...

I wonder,
how many more
times do you have
to cook me
a broken promise

and give me
cold replies
to drink..

for me to realize,
that you'll keep on lying to me..
as if time were infinite
and you will just
melt me with a smile,
whenever I attempt
to hate you.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I conclude from your poems, that despite being talented, and despite having a great way of expressing your own pain and anger..

    you are afraid of letting go, you do not dare moving on, u are not slave for ur emotions, u just are addicted to this hurt and struggling ..and to stay on this stage with this X person..know why ? cause u are a human being with a beating heart..we find it comf to stay stuck rather than making big moves and seeing things from new corners..

    but u can be the change u crave once u are ready to admit and once u dare to!

    ii love ur soo pure and direct side yaki..i love ur poems.. too many new ones..haha..iill keep an eye on the rest soon.
    keep ,my words in mind

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