You're suppose to be way out of my league
That's what everyone says anyways
And yet here you are taking a walk with me
Calling it a date and a slip of the tongue
All it took was for me to walk up to you
Flash my smile your way making a challenge
Throwing in a dash of friendly pestering
Intentionally being a little over the top
No remarks about your legs, ass, or breasts
Just ask for a friendly game of poker for pennies
Occasionally I'll slip you a win that could be mine
Other times I get beat for real with ease
Once everyone else has left the table
Gone home where their beds lay empty
You stay having fun talking with me
Asking me about my writing or my drawing
I play at being shy knowing I'll show you in the end
It only makes you want to see them more
Leading to me using you for my next inspiration
With a bit of friendly prodding to inspire me
We laugh and joke about how you never do this
Or how my eyes are easily my best feature
Full of a story just begging to be told to you
As you slowly fall into my web becoming mine
All the boys and girls said I didn't stand a chance
That I was destined to have my heart broken
And yet here we are starting a family still together
And all because I treated you like a person instead of meat