Comments : A little girls dream

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    I really like your descriptive words and I guess you're right about this being a little girls dream. I can at least say that I wanted to live in a worl like this when I was younger, especially when parents and the dentist keeps saying that candy isn't good for ones teeths, but back to the poem. I'd recommend you to try and connect the stanzas a bit more. I mean if you read through the poem the things you mention obviously fit to the content, but I didn't have the feeling of this flowing smoothly and me creating the image with your words, but rather me seeing sceneries. I like the idea behind this and I think this poem has potential, it just needs a little editing.

  • 13 years ago

    by MyaEve

    Tony, I loved this poem.
    This is perfect, your descriptive words simply flowed and drifted through the poem, the rhythm was perrrrrfect.

    The little girls dreams, were absolutely wonderful! It reminded me of my child-hood days when I dreamed of the barbie doll world that stood outside my front door. Till one day I found out this world was like shattered glass, there is no way possible it can be fixed.

    the poem was more like,
    My eyes only catching bits of pieces,
    as if the pictures were being whisked out my hands.

    Perhaps next time, the imagery should be more continuous, like a long stream of images.

    Still an amazing poem(:


  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    You penned magic, a little girls vivid and wishful dream. I enjoyed the wording and the images. A great flow and a wonderful poem that makes one feel good. Excellent

  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Love this<3

    You can see everything in your head as if you're dreaming this yourself. Candy & sweet delights :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Cinnamonspice

    You are amazing. It seems all the poems tonight are magical and full of wonder. I really enjoyed this very much Tony


  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    What a lovely poem! I could really invision this place in my head. (I don't know if it's because it may be close to that time of the month for me) but I started craving candy as I was reading it

    As rainbows fill the light blue sky
    With sweet candy floss clouds

    Candy floss clouds - I LOVE THIS - I can imagine floating on these clouds and eating them at the same time lol

    I still dream of places like this

    Nicely done


  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    You have captured the happiness and imagination of a little girl's dream flawlessly! fantastic! the imagery is amazing, as always.
