Perhaps,one day...

by Yakari Gabriel   Oct 20, 2011

Perhaps,one day ..
when you stop
handling me as if I was,
the daughter you sold
to a rich men,
and he opened her up
to find she wasn't a maiden..

when you stop pushing
me around and spitting in my face..
as if I was a harlot,
a dignity-less woman who lacks
morals and integrity..

when you stop being
so bloody harsh,
and stop throwing me
unexpected 'opportunities'
written in arabic,
whilst knowing I only
comprehend dutch,english and spanish.

when you finally
give me days,
filled with heartfelt smiles.

you are the
one that has to make re-arrangements ..
and have to change YOUR
attitude to make it all beautiful and
pleasant for me..
or simply
go through the day...hiding feelings
to not be called pessimistic and ungrateful..

maybe when you do that,
and you acknowledge
that you were
the one that got hard
like a penis
even when
I made no effort to
seduce you..

Perhaps,I'll forgive you
for being so horrible..

Perhaps I'll find
something nice to say
about you..when they ask me

"how is life treating you"


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  • 12 years ago


    I could really feel your anger in this. It kept me intrigued from start to end. You really have a brilliant way with words.
    The only critique I have to offer is in the line

    "to a rich men,"

    I think you mean "to rich men" or "to a rich man".
    Great job! Can't wait to read more!

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Wow, this was intense and deep. Its very rare when I actually feel an angry poem as if it was coming from myself, but I could feel the raw emotion coming right out of this poem, as I was reading I was getting angry.

    I really thought this was a great piece. As much as you could of made it a venting piece and just totally random, you kept the metaphors and similies in it and made it still a great read darling..

    The penis bit LMAO I think you could of chosen a better comparison..I liked the comparison but it changed the tone of the poem in a split second lol
    Loved it

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