Comments : Perhaps,one day...

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Wow, this was intense and deep. Its very rare when I actually feel an angry poem as if it was coming from myself, but I could feel the raw emotion coming right out of this poem, as I was reading I was getting angry.

    I really thought this was a great piece. As much as you could of made it a venting piece and just totally random, you kept the metaphors and similies in it and made it still a great read darling..

    The penis bit LMAO I think you could of chosen a better comparison..I liked the comparison but it changed the tone of the poem in a split second lol
    Loved it

  • 12 years ago


    I could really feel your anger in this. It kept me intrigued from start to end. You really have a brilliant way with words.
    The only critique I have to offer is in the line

    "to a rich men,"

    I think you mean "to rich men" or "to a rich man".
    Great job! Can't wait to read more!