Comments : Stress

  • 12 years ago


    Very emotional piece. I could really feel the despair and lack of hope in each word. I really like this line:

    tears unfelt as they spill over the eyelid.

    Something about your wording there really got me.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    "In a mental state of feeling hopeless,
    it eats you up alive"

    those lines...those lines..
    you've grown a lot in your poetry chels..

    truly relatable piece,I almost feel as if it is about me..
    you're awesome.

  • 12 years ago

    by Whatever works

    I am going through some stress right now that is why I clicked on this.
    It is ineresting and sadly accurate..
    You described this feeling very well, thought it was a perfect description of stress.

    It really does et you up alive, everyone can relate to this..
    it dont matter what kind of stress it is it will still feel like this..
    I likedreading this it was good and different
    5 out of 5

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    This poem was very depressing and emotional so because of that I felt you could have picked a better title, maybe a title that is more profound deep so that it matches the intensity of the poem.

    Over all a good poem just not fussed on the title


  • 12 years ago

    by L

    The title caught my attention and I was curious to see what you came up with.

    And indeed you describes stress really well.

    "In a mental state of feeling hopeless,
    it eats you up alive"

    And when one is stress too much,Then can't think clearly and it keeps accumulating until it takes our sleep away and our mind just keeps working it doesn't stop until we finally finish what was stressing us... But the tiredness remains after some days..