Night Fairy

by xoxShorteexox   Oct 23, 2011

Her dark gray skin that seems to have a shine to it,
it shimmers as if there's glitter flowing from her body.

Her eyes are look much like a clouded night sky,
twinkling away in the night with a hint of danger.

Her wings fluttering behind her like gray and black butterfly wings,
the two sets of wings are fluttering a mile a minute.

She sets her small body on the top of a mushroom,
where she calls to her bat companions of the night.

The bats circle around her spot on the mushroom top,
she giggles as she launches herself into the night sky.

All that can be seen is circling bats around her frail body,
she chases the fireflies with her batty friends so steathly.

Her voice is like the soft touch of velvet so touchable,
her owl companions hoot her name into the darkened forest.

The sun slowly starting to rise as she races into her dark home,
hiding within the branches of a broken willow tree for nightfall.

The things people should fear the most aren't the ones in the night,
but the things that lurk around during the daylight hours.


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  • 12 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Love this <3

    You can see this playing out in your head. Beautiful imagery(: