The Dark Fallen Angel

by xoxShorteexox   Oct 23, 2011

This poem kind of seem to go all over the place before it went where I wanted it to go... I submitted it anyway and I may edited later when I figure out what to remove and what to leave...

She woke up as she was falling down into a dark place,
falling so hard even her feathery wings couldn't steady her.
Kept falling down deeper and deeper into this place,
when she finally hits the ground, her body aches so heavily.

She lays there standing at the dark night sky she just fell from,
staring up into the stars as if she could see into the heavens.
Slowly pulls herself off the ground and dusts off her black dress,
letting out a breathe she didn't realize she'd been holding.

She looks around her only to see that everything around her is black,
making careful steps through the dark grass towards the tree line.
Trying to stretch her wings out only to fall to her knees with the effort,
gasping for air through the sharp shock of pain that overpowered her.

She slowly finds the strength within herself to stand back up,
with shaky legs she walked towards the dark forbidden woods.
Walking slowly trying to make it easier on her back and stomach,
her steps are very slow and precise to avoid tripping or another fall.

She makes her way into the dark woods that seem to call to her soul,
breathing in the night air so deeply that her body quivers with the pleasure.
Never knowing the feeling of using her feet for anything expect standing,
being so close with the realm she protected for so many centuries.

She starts to feel content standing in the middle of a clearing within the woods,
when suddenly hearing a loud rumbling sound as she feels the Earth begin to shake.
He's coming for her, she thought, he knows that I've fallen from the heavens,
her aching wings try to spread, but she can't get them to move at all.

He breaks through the Earth next to her feet; staggering to get out of the way,
she moves herself as far from him as she can possibly get before he comes nearer.
His devilish grin so deceitful and unkind as he walks a few short paces towards her,
she tries to make her wings open once again only without any success; any luck.

With a satin voice that makes her spine crawl he said, "hello fallen one, welcome to the wood,"
she quickly looks around realizing she's walked right into his trap; he finally got her soul.
He smiles even broader as he realizes she unknowingly walked into his demonic forest,
her soul is finally mine, he thought so triumphally; closing her eyes, she fell once more.


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