I look at her
and I like what i see;
skin so dark and smooth,
colour of wet brown earth...
eyes too deep and intense,
staring into them,
I see eternity staring back.
Her twins stand proud on her chest;
round and full and unrestricted.
Men stare in unrefined lust,
blazing eyes ravenously devouring her body,
no doubt a poetry of symmetry and grace...
But I stare in appreciation.
My touch is soft and tender,
Theirs rough and mutilating.
As I stare down her naked figure,
I can't help but thank the heavens
for creating such a work of art;
a masterpiece of its own kind.
Just looking at her
gives me joy,
the joy of girl loving girl,
me loving myself.
I slowly move away from the mirror,
away from my own reflection.