Little Hero

by Lofallenve   Oct 26, 2011

And nobody knows,
The words whispered into a pillow
At night,
With tears making their mark,
Soaking the fibers of secrets
Sewn tightly shut.
The sobs that perturb the mind,
The body winces in silent pain.
Screams wanting to echo all around,
Wanting to find their escape in the open air.
But paused,
Put on hold, frozen on the tip of the tongue.

And nobody knows.
The falsified smile that's worn
Every day,
Something so minuscule,
Hiding a universe of emotions.
Ones that ravage,
Ones that tear apart,
Clawing their way out,
To leave these scars on the surface.
The glint of a sharp metal on the bookshelf
Seems to smile and say:
"Come and play."
But the movement towards it
Is halted,
Frozen mid step.

And nobody knows.
For this little blue eyed girl,
This small child,
Who had just learned the knack
Of walking,
Of running.
My little blue eyed angel.
She stands next to me,
With her hands clenching the
Fabric of my blue jeans
She stares up at me with
This large grin,
That amidst all my tears,
Amidst all the pain inside,
I look down upon her
The question, I see in those eyes
But the in language she would need to ask,
She does not yet know.
Instead her grip on me tightens
In her own language,
She babbles, she talks,
With a smile she reaches out her hands
Insisting that I pick her up.
Tears saturate my face,
The hurt inside screams
I pick up my beautiful daughter
And she embraces me tightly,
Her little arms going around my neck,
Squealing in delight.
I hug her close to me
A real smile decorating my lips
I tell her in between my sobs
How much I love her
How much I need her

And she doesn't even know.
This little fifteen month old girl
Is my blue eyed hero.
Nobody knows.
How many times,
She's saved me.
Saved me.
From myself.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Veamm


    Another well penned poem.

    I want to start by saying this line is so wonderful.

    Something so minuscule
    Hiding a universe of emotions

    The emotion and contradiction of Minuscule-Universe for me gave the whole meaning to this poem. Good job. Keep writing.

    I wont saying anything anymore about the flow and others. I found no errors.

    Keep it up
    Another 5 for me

  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    A beautiful souvenir for your little angel. A heroic note d@ drove me thinking! Well done! Thank u 4 shar'n..

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I really enjoyed reading this poem,

    You express things so well that it doesn't take a lot to see how much you care about your Little Hero

    Children are amazing! You feel so much for them so you end up expressing in words so much as well. I think it's lovely!

    I hope God blesses me with a child one day so I can be inspired to write a poem like this by my flesh and blood.

    Well written


  • 13 years ago

    by Lee

    This is a definite Favorite of mine. As a parent of a girl not much older. I can really relate... so of course 5/5 :)

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    You have so much passion, and deep seeded emotions in each word. It screams to be read and it reads smoothly without flaws. I had to read it again to absorb every word. Excellent write .

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