It's Time......

by Valerie Cox   Oct 27, 2011

It's time to hasten slowly, take flight on wings of clay, through mists of disillusion where we'll lose then find our way.
Confusing pain with pleasure, rejoicing as we grieve,
it's time to to feel confusion, to know yet disbelieve.

It's time to trust but doubtfully: Concede that black is white.
Deny that that there are shades of grey as day turns into night.
Not knowing truth from cheating, we question as we smile.
It's time to sift and separate the innocence from guile.

It's time to love, but warily. Protection from the pain.
Three steps forward, two steps back, we wax and then we wane.
Unsure of why we're yearning, the head must rule the heart.
It's time to be together whilst being torn apart.

It's time for contradictions for losers often win.
Our pasts become our futures, we end and then begin.
Reborn from past relationships but wounded in the fray.
It's time for faith and honesty and time perhaps to pray.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Ronel McCarthy

    Excellent contrasts /imagery used .