A Sinner's Flesh

by kiara   Oct 30, 2011

Her imperfection drives her senseless
Cuts and grazes, the remnants of her soul
Each day drops her deeper into Satan's hole
The flesh becomes the deadly adversary
As blinds from the eyes are ripped and torn
A brand new insight to the world now unfurls

She buried her flesh to the Lord's plan
But to the grave are where her hands land
To bother and unbury what should be dead
To awaken from slumber the lifeless
They dig and they dig always forgetting
The sacrifice and love of their savior who's watching

His child he grieves for as she lies in her grave
Mourning and crying for her enemy to wake
She yields to Satan as she crawls to the tomb
Easily allowing herself to become flesh's pray
He watches and pleads that his child could see,
The danger to her spirit she is trying to unleash

While she causes her savior to mourn and to grieve
Her hands still work hard to revive what shouldn't be
Even though she tries hard not to succumb each day
Some how her body carries her to the grave anyways
Her heart sincerely wants to please her Lord
Her savior who died and was severely scourged

All this pain the Lord went through for her sake
And she repays him by slaving over the grave
Her imperfections lead her to fall weak to the flesh
Because she strived to be perfect and hopelessly failed
If only she could comprehend the love her savior has
The fact that he loves her passed her sinful flesh

So this is a sinner's sincerest prayer
That the Lord may understand her shortcomings daily
That he may regularly forgive her for her weakness
Because her sin nature seems to win many battles
But the Lord still loves her and lends her his power
So that she could win the battles against her flesh
And not crawl back to where the dead should rest


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