The Can

by dan   Oct 30, 2011

Mom may I go out to play
yes but stay away
from the man with the broom
today is the day
he sweeps the streets
he may accidentally sweep you
in-to the can
he drags behind him

Mom I decided to stay inside
is that ok
yes but stay out of the way
for today's the day
I sweep with my broom
and you may accidentally get swept
in-to the can
I drag behind me

Never mind mom
I shall kill myself
but not to worry mom
I shall do it where
you can not find me
I shall kill myself
then go hide in the can
I drag behind me


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  • 12 years ago

    by dan

    I dont think i said anything "unclean"

  • 12 years ago

    by dan

    Thank you for adorning my humble abode...
    (hows that for BS?)
    any way, the can. I was visiting an old aunt in a nursing home who has Alzhimers spl. and i was reflecting all the aspects of that terrible desease (condition). Trapped like a sardine in a can went through my head as I watched her sleeping. not her so much physically but mentaly.
    have a nice day,
    and thanks again, dannil james, hahahaa

  • 12 years ago

    by ddavidd

    Heh , interesting
    brings me to the question dan why in the can??

    I like the way you put it in words!!

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    I wonder why is this one place under miscellaneous, I would place it under life..
    because the way I understood it is as if that kid is not understood, as if the mom is not giving the child the time and attention that he needs.

    She shows some sense of being worry by telling the kid to be on the looking for the street is dangerous, but when the kid says that he will stay inside the mom says to be careful because of her... so what can the kid do?

  • 13 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    This is sooo sad and theres so much symbolism! i love it! 5/5

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