A letter To A Guardian Angel

by Mxreborn   Oct 30, 2011

Dear Angel,
I'm sorry to intrude you in the deadness of night
For I am thinking about her in my mind,
Nevertheless she is out of my sight.
How I envy those wings that make you fly,
If i have them, seeing her would give me light.
Alas i'm here, my thoughts written with a sigh...

A favour is what i would ask from you,
For there are limits to what a mere boy could do,
Watch over her during her quiet slumber,
Even though it is me her mind barely remember,
I know you would think i'm just another fool,
But i assure you we're not like any other,
For what we have isnt binded by love's foolish rule.

Though you need not tell me,
That the stars refused to shine for us,
Or that in time her feelings would rust,
But Angel, see what i see from my untrained eye,
How this girl makes my poor heart cry,
She finds herself full of error,
But i believe i'm her saviour.

If you see her, watch her with scrutiny
Because she doesnt know it yet,
But she's very much a part of me.
Soundly as she slumbers, notice her eyes?
A glance from that and i would assure you,
It is Time, immortal as it is, that dies.
Notice her hand and how it as soft as snow?
Keep it warm with a finger,
And Angel, gently Stroke it to-and-fro.

Careless whispers to her is nothing to fear,
Wishing her goodnight,
As it is, as i know, is elegant to her ear,
With this i may close my eyes,
And put an end to my depressing sighs.
I thank you Angel and I very well know,
That a poet's words are full of sorrow,
And that Angel's dont watch over one another,
Alas your vision is clear,
That she isn't like any other...

Yours Sincerely,


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