by rachael morrone Nov 1, 2011
category :
Love, romance /
lost love
She danced her feelings away until her body was numb because she figured that if she couldn't hurt then she could pretend that her problems never begun. Her feet glided across the laminated floors as she spun in circles down the studio that she truly adores. Its the only place left for her since the love of her life was claimed by death. All she can do now is feel the tunes of the music blaring throughout the room and try not to stumble over her own two feet but she hasn't been so stable since those cars collided in the street. She would dance hours on end for him and now shes just seeing the things that could have been if she wouldn't have cried that night and made him lose sight of the road. A gentle hand reached out to wipe the tears that streaked makeup down her face and as he gently lifted her chin to let her see his smile strongly in place, his fingers slipped off the wheel and he struggled to save them and tried to yell for help but he couldn't save himself. She hears voices now and the therapists all sound the same. They tell her that time heals wounds and that shes not the one to blame but what the hell do they know? Shes waited, watching time go by and her wounds have only dug in deeper because she cant slow down enough to realize he will never be able to sleep with her and hold her down when she screams through her nightmares. He was good at that. He was never scared. The doctors tell her to take it easy and she finds it intriguing that they can pretend they know whats best for her but its never pleasing. Her heart died in the rubble of the cars so now she dances her soul away. With no soul, there are no troubles. |