Comments : Goodbye Grandma...

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    RIP Rose..she smiles in heaven reading sad..

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Hey girl,

    This is such a beautiful written poem. I felt every word, every emotion you expressed. Tears were swelling in my eyes

    I'm really sorry for your loss x

    It's sad because my grandmother is in hospital right now and was in there a couple of weeks ago as well. She's got dementia and is not 100%.

    I read it and instantly thought of my grandmother,

    She said "I walked by your dad
    And he told me to give you this."
    She extended her opened hand
    And laid down what resembled a kiss

    My fav part of the poem. This is bittersweet for me. Very heartbreaking


  • 11 years ago

    by LittleMsPink

    People come and go,, thats life.. sometimes it feels unfair... but we can never change it... we just have to go with the flow

    anyways.. great poem, i love it :) 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    So sad but lovely job

  • 10 years ago

    by Augustus Black

    What a lovely poem by this beautiful lass! I like all paragraphs of this write, the rhyming is quite delightful, and the way you have expressed the sorrowful emotions is really very impressive. You must had been memorizing the past days when you were with your precious Grandma while writing this sad poem. I know that it was not easy.

    Your Grandma must be feeling very proud of you. There's a great love in this write.

    I am really very sorry for your both close people. I know how you had felt on that precise day. But I am also bliss that she is in heaven with your dad and with the Lord. She has now departed from this sinful earth and enjoying the great life in paradise with good people.

    This poem is very close to my heart. God bless you... Keep on writing. Very nicely written this one. 5/5