What I thought love was

by Gothic Girl in Pain   Nov 2, 2011

Love...the emotion that we all
have come to feel in our lives.
We think that we know what love is,
but some of us...truly don't.

I was in love once. Well at least
I thought I was. I fell for a man,
who loved me for me. But what
I didn't know, was how he was going
to treat me.

At first it was wonderful, and grand.
But then...after we got married...
it slowly started going downhill.
We had two kids, which I thought would
make me happy, as well as him.

He wanted more of me,
he demanded "special" attention.
I hated having to submit to him,
because if I refused,
I had another child on my hands.
He would throw fits to get what he wanted.

It soon got to the point that I was scared...
I was scared to be home and in the same
place with him. I would try coming to conclusions
and talking to him. But nothing ever worked.
It made my heart break that he would treat
me like this.

So I decided to take a 30 day break. After
day one, he was claiming that he understood
what I was saying. That's a bold face lie.
That man, didn't learn overnight.

He is now claiming that he understands what he
has done, and wants me back.
All I can really say is, he had his chance
numerous times. This break, was a test.
A test that he has failed miserably.
I will not be anyones slave anymore.

I am going to go through with what I have
decided. Which is to leave him. He brought
it upon himself, not me. I love him, but not like
I did when we got married. I'm sorry but I finally feel free. I went from hell with my parents, to hell in a marriage.


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