Comments : One love

  • 13 years ago

    by Captain Lonesome

    Emotionally decriptive, your turmoil can be read loud and clear!! Be strong!!! :) God bless

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    Wow..evry line is beautiful..i loved this k..

  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    This is such an interesting poem in the way you have worded it, it holds a slight cryptic and puzzle type tone to it. However the content is very clear, that this one person's love was a big risk for you, but you loved them anyway, let them love you back and gradually began to let them into your life, your heart and you past.

    I love the wording of "speechless secrets"

    I also thought this line was powerful and held a big impact to the poem, because I think it shows how much it is a risk for you to love someone else...

    A survivor, a number to be forgotten

    I also challenge you to take this line, from this poem, and make it into a new poem today.

    I like the change in the pace of the poem towards the end, it went faster, but I guess this shows perhaps how fast this person left you. Suddenly love happened to you, it found you, you believed in it, then just like that it left.

    I also like your ending question, of what is left, very philosophical thought, and it does make you wonder about it. I suppose it would depend on what mood you were in, and whether you had anything else in your life to live for and keep a hold of.

    Great poem, I enjoyed.