The Gift Of A Girl And The Heart

by Bobby   Nov 5, 2011

The gift of a girl
Is herself and her heart
Any man needs to know that
Before any relationship should start

She brings the treasure of herself
And what her heart gives out
She should know already
That he feels that way without a doubt

If she doesn't know
Or still unsure and not sold
Then she is not ready
To let him have it to hold

The gift of the girl
And the heart brings a thrill
So to the man he should know
That what he is given is a big deal

A gift that can be removed and taken away
In just a few moments what was there
Suddenly gone from his life
Now holding only pain and left to stare

Knowing that he had the best
The gift of a girl, and had done his part
He adored and cherished though now painfully hurt
He loved his girl deeply with all his own heart

Bobby A 2011


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  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    This is so meaningful and so true and I think it's great and everyone should now you penned everything greatly amazing once again I loved it :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Love this

    If she doesn't know
    Or still unsure and not sold
    Then she is not ready
    To let him have it to hold
    -So true. Never give your heart away if you're not sure of the feelings being mutual or not.

    You wrote this from your heart i can tell. Amazing Job