Comments : If mirrors could talk...

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Yes, yes. Self esteem, confidence are important and many of us lack it. But sometimes we don't need to hear it from the mirror but from someone we like. We can try to convince ourself that we a beautiful but if that someone we like doesn't think so or doesn't say it, it wouldn't matter if we are pretty. Ourself steem goes down. Believe it or not but it does play an important role. Very good write. Thanks for the beautiful message. I know every girl is beautiful whether they are over weigh, skinny, with acne, too tall, too short; but we just have to feel it. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by H. Elizabeth

    So, so very true.
    It seems most girls and some guys everywhere are getting lower and lower self esteem.
    "I'm ugly, I'm fat, I have zits, He/She won't like me, I'm stupid"
    All these things we hear.
    Sadly, I am one of those girls some times.

    No matter how many times somebody tells a person they are beautiful they may not believe it, but it's true!!! Everyone of us is unique in our own special way. (:

    Great write, 5/5!
    ~Hannah E

  • 13 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Why is it to all girls, guys think they are ugly too. I used to have this problem growing up, thinking i was ugly, and tellliing myself i was never worth anything. but then i became friends with the mirror, and as friends are supposed to be. we started hanging out platoniclly, and my mirror never judged me, for i quit judging myself. 5/5 for this poem. kudos, keep it up, and as I always say. Keep writting, I'll keep reading

  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    And.., that's the lot! Thanks for sharing.