I knew I'm heading towards an easy path
yet, there seems to be holding me back
The easy path I went to seemed like a trap.
trap and now like shoelaces arranged and tied
Sometimes like biking laces,
opening a door and try to see what I expect,
heading for the places I would want to be
but then see a new and long way again
Sometimes the directions to the door are hidden
thus put me on a dead end,
like hidden knots of a shoelace
now, I have to go back at the start.
At times I walk around like a twisted lace
confusing, it made me forgot my path
tricky, I seem to have lost my way at the end
now, I have to choose: left or right?
Im in a situation like I would never stop walking
Im going on a loop, like shoelaces
At the end, I have to untie them all
Still trying hard, but I know I'm already lost.