Comments : Round and Round

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I have to say this is totally different from anything I have ever read, it was creative and full of imagination. Excellent write :-)

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Yes this is creative, it is descriptive and captivating. Magnificent job.

  • 13 years ago

    by Mattias Ostling

    This one was amazing. The work you've put into the similes must be immense. And so easy to relate to, how one keeps coming back over and over to something or someone one loves, even if it is self destructive.

    I especially like how in every simile you compare it to something obviously destructive, like buring to ash in the light, or drowning in sugar water. But in the first part you simply have "the sweet little stories" as the antagonist, and it doesn't need any more explanation because it is so obvious that it is destructive.

    I loved it.

  • 13 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    This is so good, and the title grabbed my attention when i read it, then it made it better for me to read :D

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Replaced by weekly contest comment, see below. Congratulations for a superbly worded poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by Victoria

    Really detailed! LOVE IT.

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    This love poem is another very well written and uniquely worded verse. The title seems to be from Selena Gomez's album Round and Round, but has been used so effectively here that it outdoes the lyrics themselves!

    Spin me round and round,
    On your web of mendacity--
    I'm your little fly caught up
    In these sweet little stories,

    The word which stands out here is mendacity = lies. Depicting oneself as being in love despite the lies, reflects a deep affection, very forgiving, despite the shortcomings of the lover.
    I'm your little wasp,
    Attracted to your honey words,
    Drowning in the jar of sugar water.
    These lines are so sweet, .....honey sweet, what can I say.
    In the light of your grandeur,
    I'm your little moth,
    Drawn to the body embracing flame,
    Burning to a black ash,

    A moth in the light of "your grandeur" (=greatness) who is drawn blindly in to the flame, only to burn away to ashes with its love for the flame....penned so lovingly!
    Just to feel your strong arms against me.
    Suspend me up with pins and needles,
    I'm your little butterfly,
    Like a child with a magnify glass,
    I'm your little ant,
    Writhing in your scorching sight.

    Who would not want someone like this, who is willing to endure the worst pain, to be with his/her lover. So touching...I am blown away!

    Like a sick little puppy,
    To its abusive owner,
    I keep coming back,
    Round and round.

    A really beautiful ending to a superb love poem, written by a relative newbie to PnQ. Envious choice of words, throughout. One of the best, simple love poems that I have read from a feminine point of view.

    (Judging comment 12-4-11)

  • 12 years ago

    by East Poetry

    Im not sure how to say this... but this is one of my favorite poems of your. I just like it... a lot.
    all the different example you used and the ways you used them, very artistic and perfectly penned.