Heart's Suicide

by Twisted Heart   Nov 23, 2011

Deep within the very core
of who you really are
There lies within the chambered soul
a pain that grips the heart.

A cooling breeze the turns the mind
and skims the brink of pain
Now tosses all the hurt you feel
with blackened ash remains.

You know the ache will come anew
but still you bare the cost
In hopes the pain that comes your way
will with the light be lost

So true you seek the comfort love
That tarries in the wind
And holds the hope that true love comes
to heart and soul again

But though you try to twist the truth
you find the words distorted
And deep within your very soul
heart's life has been aborted

Now darkness drips into the soul
and soul... no place to hide
A witness to the lifeless corpse
of heart's true suicide.


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  • 8 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    A wonderful flow to this poem of yours. I thought it magnificent! I would suggest changing "bare" to "bear", but it could very well be that you mean to say "reveal" versus to say "possess". Hope we get to see some newer pieces from you soon!


  • 9 years ago

    by Twyst

    I loved this so much, you should definitely keep writing.