Your Last Chance(Goodbye)

by Giegielove Goddess Poet   Nov 24, 2011

The World was quite so happy as we started our new journey of love
I thought it would be the last time and we'll always be simply the sweet lover pair
To spend our sweet moments even just in virtual life
I gave the chance to make you happy and you felt like a lord in a heavens stair.

Admitting how much you love me was so nice to hear
Expressing your feelings that what you most love is my smile
Reading all your sweet comments let my heart jumped for while.

I know I told you that i love you too
But in my inner feelings there's always some fears
That one day the love with you will end up again with tears.
You're doubting always and talking about the things that i didn't do

Maybe it's you the cheater who played with different women on net
After i logged off you're busy camming with others
And i can tell you the truth my dear
That i can't chat with anybody while i'm in relationhip with you
My heart is clean,my feeling is clear
And I know that i'm true to you
But what about you?

You're like a piece of disaster in my life
Who just hurting me
Ruining my feelings with your endless confussions
Can't you see my eyes full of sadness?
For this is the last time that you will hear from me
I bid goodbye to you and you said,ok you're the one to end up this and not me
So now go away!

I know your last words was breaking me through
But i said to myself now it's the right time to move on
Even my tears suddenly begun to flow
But i decided to lose you.

I told you to stop bothering me, i don't need you anymore
Cause i don't want to be hurt like as you ever did before
For me you're nothing but just an over acting man
Whos sending slimy words via his cellphone
Showing on his friendsters that i'm his dream woman.

Feeling like a king without crown
Telling me that i am his everything
But i don't believe you so
With your empty words of promises you just makes me frown.

So baby, i think the second chance you've got it
And that's the end, go now and no more return
For i have enough of your bullshit.

I know i'm not the only one in your eyes
You have so many women who are still in your love game
So,don't come to tell me that you don't have them
Because i can tell you too baby
That you're just fooling yourself with your own lies.

The fact i have enough of your dramma
What you deserved in your life soon is bad conscience and Karma.

You love to play and have the cheap girls with you now
So play with them as long as you can
For me to see in real you should better forget your plan.

The game is over and accept it that there's no more me and you
You just played with the last chance that i've had given you
So now and on stay away and don't come back again
Life must go on without you!

Love me in your imagination and scream!!!
Hold me,Kiss me,miss me in your fantasy!!! Cause my love,now and forever I'm out of your life and dreams!!!


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  • 8 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    Nice poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by anonymous

    One word.. FABULOUS!!!! 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Heather Marie

    This is a very good poem wish I was strong enough to let go like you did but yet I keep going back for more pain :( please comment and rate my poems

  • 13 years ago

    by retha

    Let bitter be the tear to fill his cup then.
    Let peace be the sunrise for her heart as she awake from this nightmare.