
by aminath   Nov 25, 2011

I took a journey once
Upon a blood -red sky
To the land of no return
Where east and west met
Across capricious boundaries set
Amidst a chest of buccaneers truffle
Behind a steamy grey shuffle
Shaded by ancient druids
Deceived behind locked gates
Within muffled sounds chimed
With the burning of flesh piped
Where a mass of intestines stretched
Across hills and plains lay scattered
Whilst earthy woven tales fathomed
Behind deaf tongues Interlocked
Among the altar of blood hounds
There, the smile of virgin girls
Crushed as petals under feet
Where the bridge of humanity
Lay tattered in garments of atrocity
There the gleaming silver of soldiers
Flashed upon trespassing rivers
When boisterous shadows
Of my wolf pack herd narrows
Falling across fears of my past
I wake up with tears in my heart
On the road to dystopia


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  • 13 years ago

    by E Dacaf

    This was kinda all over the place and made me slow down reading to follow it. Thats a good thing. There is so many different things going on in here all seeming to lead to 1 end. I like it.