Comments : Cherry Blossom you an I

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I know I left a comment on this before but somehow disappeared so will try again.

    Cherry blossoms are the most delicate and beautiful of all. the way they litter the ground with color and fill the air with fragrance ...well you've found that imagery in this poem. It has beauty and intensity

  • 13 years ago

    by retha

    Thank you kindly. I am most humled by your comment.

  • 13 years ago

    by Mag

    Probably you've already heard this from sb, but you have an exceptional style and huge talent, and this poems is just a proof of that.
    Imagery used is so powerful that makes a reader
    sense this mesmerising setting around. The pictures your piece invokes will remain in front of my eyes long time after.

  • 13 years ago

    by retha

    Thank you kindly !