Comments : Until we find our humanity

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla

    Awesome write. I felt what you feel. It was a difficult moment.Be strong.

  • 13 years ago

    by Mostafa

    Well expressed feelings, I mostly liked "and winter now hurts, till the soul" and "Even my writings have become empty, barren and void of
    poetry." for me these two sentences give the overwhelming agonized mood of the poem
    keep it up ! : )

  • 13 years ago

    by The Prince

    I really enjoy your writing, Nor. It's fresh and unforced and full of creativity. I think you bring a poetic view of your country compared to the basic information fed to westernised countries and televisions, I always thought reports to be retrievals of information and your poetry to be an exaggeration of the feeling that's often missed out.

    There are only a couple of empty moments in this poem I think could do with reworking or leaving out, perhaps. Though, its your call.

    'There is no
    time to catch a deep clean breath
    before the next bomb falls.'

    This stanza seems a tad void of personality compared to the rest of the poem. Maybe it was an injection of sudden anger or desire to share the horrors between horror but I feel it could've been expressed a little more subtlety.

    'I once wished for a winter
    wedding, but winter now feels
    like cold, thick, sticky blood
    in my lungs

    and winter now hurts
    till the soul. '

    Is more powerful and much more necessary in the context of the poem.

    The repetition does you a favour here, as it's a nice twist and gives the reader the sense of powerlessness, even moreso than what you've penned outside of it.

    It's beautifully written and I hope to see it on the front page. I wasn't a fan of the last line. Seems too melodramatic..

    I would swap the final two stanzas around and get rid of 'perhaps in another life' so the last words of your poem are: 'a hand nor heart to give to you anymore.'

    That way you can keep the stanza about your writings yet finish the poem off by bringing the reader back to the repeated theme you've used all the way through.

    Just a suggestion. Love it, sis. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Acoustic Odyssey

    Your title was the real first line of the poem for me. I am quite fond of your beginning quote, but it seems that war is something that wont change. Always with the same end result, like winter to the trees and flowers...An eye opening piece of poetry.

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    You so expressive. there is nothing about this poem that could be disliked. Excellent job

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    Amazing piece..

    I truly love that.. the emotions, the vividness.. :)

    damn it, don't have time to comment in details.. but I'd say that's PERFECT.

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    The emotion is so well expressed in this amazing poem

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love the meaning behind this poem!

    Who would want to bring a child into a world of war, pain and suffering

    A well written poem with a genuine meaning


  • 12 years ago

    by Nema

    This is really good. Really. I can relate.

    There's a mistake in the third line though,
    "This is no finding love in this"
    Should be "There is".
