
by Melpomene   Nov 27, 2011

I spent
the twenty fifth day
of November mapping
the skin of a foreign

It was
the desire to read
Proverb 5:19 down your side
between washed-out maps
and a world war three
I never thought
I'd fought
to win.

He was
the battle against
my heart that was
defenseless in sin,
comfort in silence and
the wish I made
on the eleventh
hour of the eleventh
month on perhaps the
twelfth minute
of my mistakes?

With the night sky
that lingered
beneath my eyes
I questioned if
It was your fear
I feared
or mine?

and I beg my pencil
not to sketch you
on the horizon but
all of this is
all of you.

Now I understand
why my muse has
abandoned me.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Kylead

    I don't understand it but i liked it anyhow

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Recall, wheat ferments.. for good brew. Where focus is lost, strife is gained..

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Mel- You paint poetry.... I understand now why your poetry is so unique... because you truly paint the words... Ive read this piece many times and I decided to comment... There are some pieces that I feel speak for themselves and that you truly can't comment... this is one of those poems that I feel like that... but I had to tell you that this pieces really got to me... Its very deep and monumental for you, I can feel that... and I just wanted you to know that it affected me ....very touching..

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Wow, this is so deep, great imagery and some fantatic analogies, i love the tinge of sadness and the tone works perfect here. You truly have a way with words.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    This poetess,
    is often rolled up in all her metaphors and she catches
    the attention of everyone with all her complexity,
    but every once in a blue moon. she has this thing,she tip toes out of her comfort zone..and put the complexity aside and BAM! this is what you get,

    a write that hits you like the waves with rocks sometimes,
    I had to do some research on the proverb she was speaking about in this write..
    and it goes like "Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times and be you ravished always with her love."
    and it fits perfectly in the poem, and the fact that she
    only wrote the number of the proverb instead of the whole thing gives it this mysterious feel..

    "With the night sky
    that lingered
    beneath my eyes"

    I never knew you could have the sky lingering beneath your eye, but when you dig deeper I guess it means
    being sleepless and having dark circles beneath the eye..

    what a clever,clever metaphor..
    I'm speechless.

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