Food for Peace-

by Gaby   Nov 27, 2011

Don't assume the worst, or bad will always come. Keep your expectations realistic, so disappointment doesn't hit you when it doesn't always turn out your way. Think a little less, and smile a lil more. Life's not as complicated as it seems, and when it is- Scream, yell, cry, but never give up. Then get back up, and you keep walkin. Cuz life goes on, and time truly does heal the wounds and gashes, and scars are part of life. Don't dwell on the past, live in the present and look forward to the future. But most of all, be grateful for it all, because what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. So much to enjoy in life, so why stand there thinkin about what went wrong? When there's so much right to be done.


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