A locked gate.

by anand singh   Nov 28, 2011

For the sins of all he had taken the blame,
life for him would never be the same.
While his mother wept bitterly at her loss,
he was whipped him unmercifully, then nailed to
a cross.

Lifeless, and bloodied, he was then left in a tomb,
he would rot in there, was what they had assumed.
But, he would defy death, and emerged on his own,
when his father send the angels to roll back the stone.

Count on him always for his love will never change,
from each of us lives he will never become estranged.
Meditate on his words, and guard what you do and say,
thank him for the sacrifice he had made that day.

He's the remover of all self doubt, shame and fear,
he showers us with his blessings and tender loving care,
his grace is more mightier than every possible sin,
so, leave the bolts of your hearts unlock, so he can enter in.

If you should find yourself drowning in despair,
just call on him, and your burdens he will bear.
invite him into your hearts today, for tomorrow might be
too late,
don't wait until you reach heaven only to find a locked gate.

Copyright @ 2011Ã.singh


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  • 10 years ago

    by Lune de ma vie

    For tomorrow might be too late. That sure sits with me big time. Those words surely ring true to everyone when we actually see how fast life can be taken away from us. You did another fantastic job here showing us the love God holds for each one of us. Beautiful work my friend. Thanks for sharing.

  • 12 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    God loves us no matter what. He has
    forgiven us for all of our sins. Sometimes
    we need to learn to forgive ourselves

  • 12 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Very true.
    This is a wonderful religious piece. Your faith shines through this... it's very uplifting. Your rhymes were fantastic, great job!

  • 13 years ago

    by Erickson

    So very true, "for tomorrow might be too late,
    don't wait until you reach heaven, only to find a locked gate", God's grace is there for us, so we should take it now before it's late...

  • 13 years ago

    by Erickson

    So very true, "for tomorrow might be too late,
    don't wait until you reach heaven, only to find a locked gate", God's grace is there for us, so we should take it now before it's late...