One day Alice got tired of chasing the rabbit.
She was going in these circles out the habbit.
One silly adventure after another got boring.
She stabbed the rabbit while he was snoring.
She skinned his pelt making her a fine purse.
Just thinking of Wonderland was this curse.
The mad hatter started making sense to her.
Like the Chesire Cat reality was like this blur.
And the little notes of eat this or drink that.
Was getting her angry and was mad as a bat.
Tried to retrace her steps back up the hole.
Drinked and ate everything without control.
Got busted for vagrancy and had to do time.
She had to do community service for crime.
In and out of foster homes and then parole.
Her sister would visit her and try to console.
Wonderland became a dream to her mind.
Thought how to the rabbit she was unkind.
Peared out the bars and weed eater's sod.
Wondering how she became Alice of Nod.