Comments : YOU

  • 13 years ago

    by Mattias Ostling

    Hmm, I find the message good and kinda sweet. But I didn't like the flow of the poem or the (lack of) stanzas. It is a little bit too direct for my taste as well, and I felt as if the last two lines feel really out of place, should've ended with "bye". Else, it is not really "all you have to say".

    The grammatical errors distrupts the reading quite a bit as well. your = possesive, as in, his dog, or her dog. While "you're" is the contraction of "you are", so it should be "you're amazing", etc... or "you told me you're..."

    And never understood the "<when you come>", part either, why is it in <>?

    The part "Eric can now eat the dirt" is a bit too direct, and without knowing who Eric is, it is very unnecessary. If it's meant for someone you know to read, I suppose it fits, but not for an outsider.

    The vanacular slang "dude" "goin" "huntin" have their charm, but I would suggest writing "huntin'" as in, with an apostrophe, or "goin'" instead.

    I know this comment might sound a bit bashy, but I assure you, my intentions are good! :)
    Some slight editing and this poem will certainly go from a 2/5 to a 3 or 4/5

    Never stop writing, keep the poems coming!

  • 13 years ago

    by Bridget Weber

    Thanks i really appreciate it:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    I have to agree with Mattias.

    To me this felt like a rough draft. I think it coul dhave been better.

    What irked me is the misspelling of "You're."
    I think it has possiblity of being better, just work on it. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    With a little bit of will indeed be better..u hav potential and that is good,continue writing..upload another poem and lets see how it is..i giv it a 3, i hope am not being harsh..