Life of Silence

by retha   Nov 30, 2011

Life of Silence

Have I but lived a life of silence
Death me no harm could do
Where potters clay lies brittle
Then feathers be my foot`s shoe.

Heavens darkened hour my impure thoughts do spare
From wickedness born a fallen angel laid bare.
Spawn from wasteful desires.
Darkness be the one who inspires.

Have I but sinned before conception
Death be no prouder the father.
The angel a holy silhouette
Remaining a wingless statue rather.

As the fear within leaves the fear without beyond.
To ponder on thought until thoughts abscond.
Seeping from imaginary to subside
Fading into an obscure reality

Have I but lived a life of silence
Death me no harm could do
Where potters clay lies brittle
Then feathers be my foots shoe.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Hallucinostic

    Youre good with rhyming stuff. I like rhyming stuff... Anyways, about the poem, its a bit deep, but not too much, making it interesting but not to the point where its looking like its trying too hard. As Ive said earlier the rhymes are good. A real great write all in all. I like it. :)

    • 12 years ago

      by retha

      Thank you kindly !

  • 13 years ago

    by retha

    I thank thee kindly, a sense of ancient souls knowing will always be drawn to gather.

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    "Heavens darkened hour my impure thoughts do spare
    From wickedness born a fallen angel laid bare.
    Spawn from wasteful desires.
    Darkness be the one who inspires."

    vivid wording, I found the whole poem excellent but that stanza was my favorite it was original, creative and carried the weight of your message