It hurts

by Rihanna   Dec 1, 2011

I think maybe life isn't for me. It's so hard it hurts to breathe every time I breathe. How much longer can I go on feeling this pain? Hopefully not much longer. I sit here crying as this razor begins to touch my skin it digs deeper and deeper as this blood flows out of me and I start to pray to God. I pray that one of these cuts will take this so called life away. As I carve the words, stupid f**k, stuff up, in my body I feel better knowing I almost there now I'm almost finished. I'm almost done finally after everything I was put there all these breakups all these scars all these bruises all of this pain.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Get'n thru d pain only takes a 'smile'..and truly, it hurts. Gr8 job!

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