
by Yakari Gabriel   Dec 5, 2011

happens when you have no lines"

he said to me..
as he handed me a
sheet of white paper

still I don't know
whether he wanted me
to sketch freedom,
or simply let
words fall down
as if they were
scattered all over..

somebody should
have told him,
that I liked the lines

my words were
not ready to fly solo
just yet..

but I learned my lesson that day,
just because I have little faith in myself,
does not mean everyone else does.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    I absolutely love the imagery behind sketching freedom and words fall like scattered leaves. How can one truly sketch freedom, or put the importance of it into words? It's an action in my opinion, and you portrayed this perfectly. I thought that was a very important piece.

    I also like how you talk of liking the lines... as though you like your boundaries, you like knowing the rules, being told what to do instead of having to make your own decisions, because you don't always believe in your choices like others do. I thought that was so interesting and well put! :)

    Sorry I'm just now commenting on this... things have been busy :D

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Sorry about the double post doll! Im good at that lol

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Well I found this adorable! What sparked this idea??...I just read a negative poem of yours then I read this one, a positive and I LOVE! ...I found this to be so creative and the last line is so true. We are our own worst critiques, other peoples faith in us is awesome!

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