Laughing at Last, My Love

by Michael D Nalley   Dec 5, 2011

They say it was never ever real,
Though I cannot help the way I feel.
On my ring you engraved "Together Forever"
While we dreamed in the land of never "never "
You should be glad I have learned to laugh
Since you've stopped being my better half
Though I have no more to give
It is time to live and let live
I will love you forever , that is no joke
Even though we have gone up in smoke

We thought we would live happily ever after,
Sharing our love and beautiful laugher.
A sacred ceremony is only a facade.
Marriage only works when blessed by God.
The chemistry was there when we bought it
Interfering with balance, who would've thought it.
Whether it be drugs, or very cheap wine
Nothing compares to a love so divine
Unconditional as that of a savior
Who rewards not only good behavior

I pray we rise from our ashes one day,
Though we have gone a separate way
Must our joy turn into a silent sorrow,
In the moment of yesterday's tomorrow?
Or can we look back and smile
If just for a little while
With no regret, or unreasonable fear
We must shed a lasting tear.
For what really could have been
Without the pain of our sin

With holy help from above,
We shall laugh at last ,my love


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  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I did not mean to leave the impression that God would not forgive any sin with the prper contrition

    The Eve of My Dreams by Michael D Nalley

    I remember when I met the Eve of my dreams
    We were both tied up in our useless worldly schemes
    Like the Adam and Eve of paradise lost,' it seems
    To fulfill our desires, we would go to some extremes

    Like the first sinners, we listened to the snake
    And of the forbidden fruit, we did partake
    For a short while, it did seem to satisfy our ache
    For a paradise, we didn't think, we'd have to forsake

    The Eve of my dreams only wanted to forsake her pain
    But I didn't know enough then, to understand, or explain
    A truth that I believe now will be forever locked in my brain
    The evil of pain, can be transformed into the good of a gain

    The Eve of the Garden of Eden', obeyed the snake, and brought death to the earth
    Then Eve chose to obey God, and brought life into the world, through the pain of birth
    After the fall of man, God transformed useless pain into a thing of worth,
    The same as God can turn, useless tears and misery into joy and mirth

    The ugly snake would have me fear beauty, as if it could rob me like a thief,
    But it was the beautiful Eve, who taught me the beauty of sweet relief
    Because she had learned through her pain, that our relief comes from our belief
    I believe every hair is numbered like every trembling leaf

    I know this story is as original, as original sin,
    And I guess it will end for us all, the way it did begin
    If we don't want to just dream about paradise, we must let our Savior in
    I know, as the slow one now will latter be fast, the loser will latter win

  • 13 years ago

    by Whatever works

    This is a really a nice love poem
    it is sad yes but it is also sweet and ends sweet too

    i liked reading it. i like how you look above for help
    in a relationship its nice to when its really hard becayse i believe heartbreak is one of the most painful feeling

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Anyone who reads this can tell straight away that there is so much history in this relationship

    There is so much emotion in this poem and the issue of divorce, many people will be able to relate to.

    It sounds as though that even though the marriage broke down that love was not the issue. The way you talk about how you feel about her or felt, amazing

    I quite love your rhyming in this poem as well. I have noticed this about a few of your poems. They flow so easy and each poem can be read and the reader can connect to

    I don't like the idea of divorce but it is sad when a marriage breaks down

    The use of the word Sin as if to say God will not be forgiving for this but I believe that God will

    I can tell you are a deep religious person, which is lovely to see it being expressed through your poetry


  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    A sacred ceremony is only a facade.
    Marriage only works when blessed by God

    ^^ This truly is something to live by when married. Vows before God and honoring Gods design of marriage calls for a blessed marriage thats for sure.

    My parents got a divorce, I wish my dad could have thought like this. People are forgetting what "together forever" means and give up so quickly because its "not what they expected" or they're "over it".

    I really enjoyed this poem. It shows every relationship struggles but with hope in your mate and God, all relationships can be healed. Great work, I truly enjoyed this :)

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