One Week!!!

by Michelle   Jun 24, 2004

Dear Sweetheart,
Can you believe it's past four months
Since we first said hello?
And now we're going to be married...
Well..won't say 'I told you so!' :)
Some may think it odd this way
We've never 'met' face to face
But that comes to an end a week from tomorrow
With our very first embrace
It will be the first of many cuddles
As we go through the years
But I'm longing to share it all with you
Both sad and happy tears.
'How can you love someone you've never met?
That\'s what they all say...
But I simply reply back to them
'Oh we've all but just one way'.
Hundreds of hours spent talking and learning
About what makes one another who we are
Are what made us realize we're meant to be
It makes not one bit of difference how far.
On the second of July, 2004
Across the world will quickly turn
Into 'both in the USA now'
And then to another jet you'll return...
To make the final leg of the journey we've begun
That brings you at last to me
When your planes touches down at O' Hare field
What a feeling that will be!!
I'm nerve-wracked already
Feeling a bit anxious and scared
And you MUST have those same emotions too
You're just a little more prepared!
You've said you'll make me feel at ease...
My darling you already do...
Just because I know you mean it when you say
'No matter what just know that I love you for YOU'.
It's all that's on my mind now
This countdown is taking forever to arrive it seems
But we're in the final days of lonliness now
And knocking on the door of our dreams.

xxx I can't wait are everything to me..and to be held in your It's going to be heaven on earth.xxxMich


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristina K

    Wow Michelle. Wonderful poem. That would be so awesome when you guys finally meet. I wish I was there to take a snapshot, lol. Maybe I can still get a ticket? I'll be your personal photographer, lol. Anyways, thank you for sharing this brilliant piece. It brought back lots of memories for me. Used to be happy memories, but now they're just painful ones. But I still appreciate your poem. Well done and I would like to wish you all the best. I know you both will have a happy future.
    Take care always!

  • I would love to hear from you both about how it was after you met... all those feelings..... And hopefully all the visa works will be done smoothly. For me i am stuck with visa problems only..i am a US citizen and he is an Indian. He can't come to US for personal reasons and my parents are not letting me go to India. I am waiting for something called dualcitizenship. But it takes time to get approved. I am excited to hear about you guys more. And its great that you both write poems so beautifully. I really started admiring you both.

  • Hai Mic, Is this a true story? I believe so.. I am so happy to see some body like this. I also have some what same story. I have seen him 5 times in last 5 years... but i had never told about my feeling. Now when we both are in different countries..we both admitted our feelings...but its like we can't see for 2 more years. He asked lets not talk to each other and see after 2 years. If we both still feel the same lets get married. Now it looks crazy to all...But i am waiting for that day i will be his. Craig is so lucky. You both are. You are getting married on 2nd? Good luck. and my prayers. I have written a poem called "back to his arms" It is about how we may react after we meet finally...thats going to be after 2 more years.... MAy be you will understand what i wanted to express than the poetic point of view.... Any way wish you all the happiness and wishes forever.