Comments : Pretty soon

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    And happiness
    is a cocktail
    I can only buy
    for one or two months

    ^^ Seriously? Awesome! You know how you love my stanza and have it on repeat in your head from my poem , not worth her poetry, this is now my new favorite stanza of yours that will be said over in my head! I love it! It sounds like an old fashion cliche'

    Yaki this poem is truly sad, when I read poems usually all of them relate to my life somehow and if this relates to yours I must say, having someone in your life that takes away your optimism within a matter of months is not worth staying in your life. Ive had people like that in mine , you just anticipate them walking away or leaving you finding faith again and it happens! If there are red flags those people need to go because its a sad process to go through when dealing with someone like this....

    anyways im rambling on, you know how much i adore your poetry!! I loved this piece! SOunds like a Taylor Swift song lol!

  • 12 years ago

    by Sunshine

    More bones than anything else ? I am so stealing it as a personal msg,, amazing..amazing amazing, i can say amazing till blood dries inside of me!

    yaki this is one of the most incredible poems ive read by you, not only cause i can relate 100 % but also because you have touched me, you have got me caught up and wrapped up with its idea.

    this is just breathtaking nd i cant stop writing about it.
    some of the most amazing phrases. most amazing images.
    drenched with honesty and sadness...

    soooo true........................but i hope u find the faith to keep th opitimism goin for a longer period of time. ...amazing work

  • 12 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I wish this was mine...