We had a Suicide pack
It was set the day you came back
We were to kill ourselves together
I will never forget that night Heather
the plan was you shoot yourself first
then I would shoot myself next
We said r good-byes and put the finishing touches on r notes
then you picked up the gun
you put it next to Ur head
you whisper I Love You
I yelled stop
it was to late
the trigger was pulled
You fell to the ground
Your blood went everywhere
I went to go get the gun
but when I went to reach for it
I couldn't grab it
tears streaming down my face
instead of grabbing the gun
I laid down and hugged you never letting go
Till your mother came home
I told her I was sorry
I gave her all the notes that we had written
We were to kill ourselves together
I will never forget that night Heather
that I broke the suicide pack