Comments : Perfecting the art of losing

  • 13 years ago

    by Mattias Ostling

    You win some you lose some,
    like a hand of poker chips
    Hope truly the only feeling
    you're holding onto,
    in the end of every relationship

    ^Great start, love the reference to poker, and the allusion to Ace of Spades, which is about gambling. The only thing I'd recommend changing here is the final line where you have "in the end", that phrase means "finally". I think you're looking for "at the end".

    Seeing the backide of someone
    is no longer unusual
    Dissapointment, betrayal, anger
    now lies in the very bottom
    of the hearts emotions

    ^Moving away from gambling and showing that when losing (love) one often feels the feelings you've described. The backside describes people walking away and you being the one left alone.

    Practicing the repair of hurt,
    you find treatment for the holes
    that have been left in the very center,
    of every feeling you've ever had

    A repeating event that takes place
    in the life of every being-
    You've now become the master of
    perfecting the art of losing

    ^Great ending. How one always needs to learn how to deal with the hand one has been given. How one needs to learn how to get over someone.

    Good job, I liked it a lot!
    Keep it up!

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    You have perfected the art of writting a poem about this art which makes you a winner in my book

  • 13 years ago

    by TSI25

    Might edit "backide" out, im certain its just a typo for backside though, not a huge deal. I was a little bit thrown by the ending "the master of perfecting the art of losing" seems a little bit redundant. other than that everything is pretty much perfect and more than compensates for those minor flaws. while still potentially a work in progress, (as art is never truly finished) it certainly has great potential, good job.

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    You win some you lose some,
    like a hand of poker chips
    Hope truly the only feeling
    you're holding onto,
    at the end of every relationship

    -----I like the comparison you used like a hand of poker chips.
    It sort of implies that each relationship is like a game of chance, we really don't know if it will work or not. But the only feeling we can have is to hope that that person is the one.

    Seeing the backside of someone
    is no longer unusual
    Disappointment, betrayal, anger
    now lies in the very bottom of the hearts emotions

    ---- Seems like the author has been disappointed, or been betrayed many times as the words "no longer unusual" say so. This are the typical feelings that might come to the surface when a situation such as a break up happens.

    Practicing the repair of hurt,
    you find treatment for the holes
    that have been left in the very center,
    of every feeling you've ever had

    ----This stanza is a little confusing, but I'm guessing the author refers that in the search for repairing the pain that lives in ones heart we encounter many others that were left there, that just accommodated in the center, but later on they fill the holes.

    A repeating event that takes place
    in the life of every being-¨closure
    You've now become the master of
    perfecting the art of losing

    ----- This stanza pretty much says that we should learn to accept whatever happens and to learn to move on.

  • 13 years ago

    by Jess

    [I Just Nominated This]
    Wonderful. So. Amazing.

    I don't Know Exactly What I Seen In This Particular Piece. Although, It Is Remarkable.

    Your Words A Perfectly Piece Together And The Word "Closure" Completly Proves this poem.
    You Worked A Single word Into A Hundred.
    Like A Needle In A Haystack.
    I Found It, I Found The Meaning.

    Good Work. (:
    555555555555/5 :]

  • 13 years ago

    by Whatever works

    Wow this is amazing

    it pulled me in right away 'cause its written to perfection in emotions... seems like it spilled out just like this in a perfect flow.... muchlike perfecting the art of losing..

    i really liked this poem

    nice work on this

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Oke,I promised I'd comment on this mama..

    so here I go,I love how raw it is..
    its were going

    "I feel this and this and this and I'm throwing it out there no matter what happens"

    It almost seems like a sigh..
    like it was eating you up inside..
    and you finally ate it back.

    You win some you lose some,
    like a hand of poker chips
    Hope truly the only feeling
    you're holding onto,
    at the end of every relationship

    This is such a good opening..
    while winning and losing does backfires to playing poker,or any game for that matter
    if you dig a little deeper.its about gamble..
    and its very true..when you enter a relationship of any kind..there is always something that you lose...not only in the end..but in the beginning as well..

    Seeing the backside of someone
    is no longer unusual
    Dissapointment, betrayal, anger
    now lies in the very bottom
    of the hearts emotions

    so here,it is bittersweet..
    because while it is really sad..that someone
    has gotten use to pain..the strength shines also in this verse.. its almost like
    "oh,hurt?..Again?..mmm,I can handle this boo boo"

    Practicing the repair of hurt,
    you find treatment for the holes
    that have been left in the very center,
    of every feeling you've ever had

    and this hits hard again..
    I like how you keep the climax going here.
    its keeps getting stronger towards the whole piece..not once did the emotion change...

    A repeating event that takes place
    in the life of every being-
    You've now become the master of
    perfecting the art of losing

    I don't know what else to say..
    I'm inlove with this..
    I've seen you grow as a poet..I've seen you go from being a lovey dovey dovey chick..
    to meaning some serious business...

    I too perfected the art of losing..
    ha,I'm sure so many will relate!

    Clever write!


  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aww... this is a sad yet touching poem. I think every person can relate to the feelings you've expressed.

    This stanza really affected me:

    "Practicing the repair of hurt,
    you find treatment for the holes
    that have been left in the very center,
    of every feeling you've ever had"

    >> it touched me because I think we do practice this, we feel this way multiple times.. and it hurts but we always have to pick ourselves up again.

    As sad as this poem was, I found it to be very inspiring as well. We do need to learn the art of losing, so we can find closure and move on. It's something we all go through in life, and it makes us united in that way.

    Great job with this poem :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    :( once again a sad write. You really know how to speak to readers heart and pull them in with just the first line.



  • 13 years ago

    by average thoughts

    And u r perfct in art of writing poems..5/5