My perfect dream

by amber   Jun 24, 2004

I want to die
Right here right now
I never want to feel
Another ounce of pain
I want to fall in a deep sleep
And be so peaceful that I wont wake up
I hope tomorrow never comes
Or at least not for me
I wish I could tell someone how I feel
But now it’s to late
How should I leave?
At this point I don’t care
I run out the door
And fall to my knees
It’s too dark outside to see where I am
So I lye down and cry
I scream and scream but I don’t feel better
So I go get the knife
And put it to my wrist
Each cut I make gets me one more minute closer to my death
Each one a little deeper
Each time I feel a little better
My blood surrounds me
As blackness takes over my mind
Finally my dream has come true


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