Comments : Fodah

  • 13 years ago

    by Liliana

    Wow Yaki

    is the name
    of the castle built
    inside of my soul..

    - I love that you talk about an imaginary castle inside your soul, that's a beautiful description.

    Its the name
    of the habitat
    I belong in

    - And this is just lovely, we all wish to have an habitat were we belong in, someone's heart.

    The question mark
    engraved in this
    zealous heart of mine,
    that is stuck like an anchor
    in an endless sea..

    - Wow stuck like an anchor in a endless sea? how did you come up with that lol this is creative, it really is :)

    are the footsteps
    I trace back whenever
    life becomes a bitter

    - Awww this is just sweet, no flaws with it.

    Whenever my eyes
    become lazy,

    Fodah is the dream
    I slip into,
    the coma I do not
    want to come back from.

    - A coma is not a good thing but you turn it into a lovely one just by saying you'll dream about him, and it's cute when you say your become lazy.

    Its no use to modernize old love..

    still ,
    Fodah is the timeless emotion
    I can not get rid of.

    - Then it's a good emotion, you really make it shine through in this lovely poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    HA.....Fodah is the inspiration of my Yaki, Fodah is the winning poem on the front page next week!

    Fodah is the beautiful poem by yaki, Fodah is Yaki! Fodah is aa mix of the cutest verses ever, the deepest emotions, the most unique love. the impressive word choice, and the extra touching poem!

    fodah is the lucky human being...

    :) well done

  • 13 years ago



    When I read poetry like this I literally swoon all over the place like a love sick fool!

    I can't even finish this comment cuz my words are all's like I've gotten drunk on the perfection of your stanza's.