Take my hand

by LockedAway   Dec 9, 2011

I walked down that lonly street
Nothing in front of me but the
End of the World
I kept walking toward it
Till i saw you

I looked into your eyes
And you peirced my soul back
You stared so deeply i felt love

You have up to me and said
Take my hand

We walked that street together to the end of the world
We jumped over it
And kept our hands tight

I didn't ever want to let go
And you didn't either

We kept walking and landed
Right were we needed to be


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  • 13 years ago

    by Hebe

    Such a sweet poem!

    "I looked into your eyes
    And you peirced my soul back"

    Those lines hit me, almost can feel such eyes on me.. nicely done

    "We kept walking and landed
    Right were we needed to be

    A perfect ending, you couldn't have done it any better.. very well written!