Comments : I Never Ran From My Troubles

  • 13 years ago

    by TSI25

    The flow is very interesting, where normally the flow would be very choppy, the manner its written sort of entices the reader to go sort of slowly and solemnly through which helps the mood of the poem.

    one change i might recommend making to help the flow along, and make the ending more succinct might be to slightly alter the last line more toward:

    "I'm stronger than ever, and I've found my way"

    its definitely an interesting poem, good luck and dont give up on writing.

  • 13 years ago

    by Whatever works

    Awe this is such a powerful poem

    i liked it alot.. filled with wisdom and love. Also, strength .. so much strength.. after losing someone like that who was your voice of reasoning and then you noticed they taught you...and you overcame because of that. amazing touching poem

  • 13 years ago

    by Amreen

    Indeed beautifully written and this is life....!!!

    You would be proud Mama, if you saw me today.
    I'm stronger than ever, and I found my way.

    this is the ultimate you...good to know....:)

    good work girl...!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Andee
