Comments : If I was to..

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Sometimes being sad, being dark and being lost..makes others more interested ,,,more sympathetic to discover us, heal us, love us the right track..

    sometimes we feel like we want to bare mind of ours and that soul of ours from everything coating it. and to stand there in the face of this life..and see what happens next.

    sometimes i find myself too inspired to write a sane comment after rreading your poems..

    i love it

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    Another heartbreaking, emotional and vulnerable piece from you -- always your finest poetry, but yes, it does make me want to hug you. There is something about this piece that screams an innocent child being left behind in the shadows.. it just breaks my heart.

    "If I was to tell you
    that I've skipped a million
    meals before,
    but I've never felt this

    This is something I have been able to relate to, I thought it was really very strong, and again with the heartbreaking tone. You really got my emotions here.

  • 13 years ago

    by Hellon

    So much sadness in your words..almost as if you have been trying to ignore these thoughts for such a while and now....all of a sudden they have all come rushing back at once.

    You write your best when you show your vulnerable side and this one is one of your best writes in my opinion.

  • 13 years ago


    I really like this. You have such powerful emotion behind your words.

    The part about crying til sleep seemed a little weird to me until I figured it out and then I was all "Duh!!", lol! I'm slow sometimes! : )
    Anyway, well done!!!